Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 2 - 30 day challenge

Good Day Everyone!!

NOTE:The first three days of my challenge I will not be able to get an actual workout in so I am doing squats and push ups through out the day when I can :)

So today is day 2 and I am in that dreaded stage(right away haha) kicking in where everything I see or think of I want to eat! As most of you know I tend to follow a Paleo Diet(probably about 80%) but lately(hmm a long time lol) I have been quite off and I can feel and see the differences! 

Here is what a Paleo Diet resembles: 

Due to this I am starting over with this 30 challenge! I am not going 100% Paleo the things I am allowing over the next 30 days are a couple of sauces (creamy cucumber and italian dressing and some chilli seasoning, and epicure spices which are close to being Paleo if not are :) ) I Actually really love being on Paleo or very close; to with a few exceptions of tsp's here and there of sauce, as I do feel best on it! Personally! I am not trying to push anyone into this by all means. I just prefer it for me :o)! 

So here's my day...

-Taco salad (same as last nights supper)

- lean ground beef (left over)
- walnuts
- sunflower seeds

- Chicken breast(boiled) with italian dressing
- 1 tsp coconut oil off the spoon
- bite of kids granola bar (not Paleo) ;s lol

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