Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 2 - 30 day challenge

Good Day Everyone!!

NOTE:The first three days of my challenge I will not be able to get an actual workout in so I am doing squats and push ups through out the day when I can :)

So today is day 2 and I am in that dreaded stage(right away haha) kicking in where everything I see or think of I want to eat! As most of you know I tend to follow a Paleo Diet(probably about 80%) but lately(hmm a long time lol) I have been quite off and I can feel and see the differences! 

Here is what a Paleo Diet resembles: 

Due to this I am starting over with this 30 challenge! I am not going 100% Paleo the things I am allowing over the next 30 days are a couple of sauces (creamy cucumber and italian dressing and some chilli seasoning, and epicure spices which are close to being Paleo if not are :) ) I Actually really love being on Paleo or very close; to with a few exceptions of tsp's here and there of sauce, as I do feel best on it! Personally! I am not trying to push anyone into this by all means. I just prefer it for me :o)! 

So here's my day...

-Taco salad (same as last nights supper)

- lean ground beef (left over)
- walnuts
- sunflower seeds

- Chicken breast(boiled) with italian dressing
- 1 tsp coconut oil off the spoon
- bite of kids granola bar (not Paleo) ;s lol

Monday, April 2, 2012

30 Day Challenge

Good Morning Everyone

So I am taking a 30 challenge for myself! Feel free to follow a long!  If you have any questions please let me know!

Today I haven't quite planned my day for food so i will update this through out the day!  But here's the start!

Breakfast (an hour within waking) 8 am (thats right I got to sleep in today until 7 am woot!! ;)
- 1 vitamin B6
- 3 oz pork (left over from supper last night)
- handful chopped walnuts
- green tea
- water

Snack 11:30 approx.
-1 tbsp fish oil (nutrasea)
-Protein pudding!
(this is the same as my protein fudge but i put in a little bit of extra water to turn it into a pudding yum!)
*1tbsp almond budder
*1 scoop Protein (i use the isoflex chocolate peanut butter flav)
*1 tsp vanilla extract
*water to pudding consistency!

Lunch 3:30 (too late i'm starving!)
- 1 small can flavoured tuna
- 1 cup baby spinach
- sliced cucumber
- 1 tbsp sunflower seeds

Supper 7pm
- 1tbsp fish oil
- Taco salad
(extra lean ground beef 4 oz with chilli seasoning, 2 cups spinach, 1/2 cup sodium free crushed tomatoes with med salsa mix from epicure, dollop of creamy cucumber dressing)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Here we Blog again!

Wow again it's been forever.

Between everyone being sick and running into problem areas we are finally back at it!

Tonight we have DR. Sarah Hawthorn ND as a Guest speaker and I am so excited!

Here are a couple things that I found interesting to share!:

(Taken From Shine yahoo)

Carbs Without a Cause: Foods Worse Than White Bread 

Your first line of defense is to opt for whole foods that are as close as possible to their original source, says Manual Villacorta, RD, author of Eating Free: The Carb Friendly Way to Lose Inches. And, as always, managing portion sizes is key. Otherwise, here are eight bad carbs that may be sneaking into your diet, even if you've sworn off the white slices forever.

Fancy coffee drinks are like dessert in a cup. Fancy coffee drinks are like dessert in a cup.1. Fancy coffee drinks: Not only can these have as many calories as a meal, (sometimes upwards of 400) their carb count can be on par with a pre-marathon pasta binge; some have 60-80g of carbs per serving. Add in sugars, saturated fats in whipped cream, and chocolate flavorings, and you've got dessert in a very large plastic cup (Which is better for you--a juice drink or a soda? You might be surprised by the answer!) .

BagelsBagels2. Bagels: Bagels are a morning ritual for some, but according to Villacorta, unless you're hitting the gym right after (and plan on staying until lunch), you may want to rethink, even if you opt for whole wheat.
"Depending on the size, I normally recommend a bagel to someone who is going on a two- to three-hour run afterwards," he says. The reason is portion size. Many deli bagels can have 250-300 calories and more than 50g of carbs each.

Fruit juice and smoothies are usually just code for sugary water. Fruit juice and smoothies are usually just code for sugary water.3. Juice drinks and smoothies: Smoothie and juice spots are everywhere, and they can seem like a healthy drink to get on the go. But a 16oz fruit-heavy juice can have as many as 75g of carbohydrates and 64g of sugar (ditto for smoothies). If you can't start the day without juice, stick to about 4oz, which has a reasonable 15-20g of carbs (Looking for a healthy smoothie recipe? We've got 11!).

Avoid cheese crackers. Avoid cheese crackers.4. Cheese crackers: If you're going to indulge in a few processed carbs, don't do it here. While the carb count isn't necessarily through the roof (about 18g per serving), these orange snacks are particularly cringe inducing because there is literally no other redeeming nutritional factor. They're full of chemicals, additives, and artificial colors, plus they may also contain high-fructose corn syrup. And don't be fooled by organic versions. They may be filled with less artificial junk, but processed flour and high-fat cheese can still be "organic."

Fancy coffeehouse pastries are better for dessert--not breakfast. Fancy coffeehouse pastries are better for dessert--not breakfast.5. Baked goods at coffee shops: Muffins used to be a baseball-sized treat. Now they're more like softballs, with some containing nearly 64g of carbs and more than 30g of sugar. If your morning muffin is made with processed flour, sugar, and butter, it's really no different than a slice of cake. Stick to a two-ounce serving and choose whole grain ingredients-think bran, not lemon poppy.

Yogurt with fruit on the bottom. Yogurt with fruit on the bottom.6. Yogurt with fruit on the bottom: It's the ultimate chick pre-workout /afternoon/late-night snack, and yogurt on its own is a great choice. Problem is, that fruit is sugar central. All yogurt contains lactose, which is a naturally occurring carbohydrate; generally in a single serving it equals about 12-15g of carbs, which is fine, but when you add the jammy fruit you can nearly double that amount. You end up with nearly 30g of carbs, half of which is the processed, quick-burning kind. Stick to the creamy (and protein-packed) Greek variety and add some cut-up fresh fruit.

Movie theatre popcorn. Movie theatre popcorn.7. Movie theatre popcorn: It may seem obvious, given the size, but for many of us it's a key part of the movie-going experience, and besides, even if you order a bag once a week, how bad can that be? According to Villacorta, very. Popcorn is already about 1,200 calories, almost all from carbohydrates (and a whopping 580mg of sodium) for a large-sized bag. That's before you add the butter. Don't waste an entire day's worth carbs and calories while you mindlessly munch your way through The Hunger Games.

Skip the yogurt-covered raisins. Skip the yogurt-covered raisins.8. Yogurt-covered raisins: Essentially candy for health-food nuts, and who eats just one-or five? In fact, a scant ¼ cup contains 20g of carbs and 19g of sugar. Skip the bulk candy aisle at your health food store and pick up a small bar of dark chocolate instead.

Ok BL Contestants!!!! Now to be clear you all know I am not saying "Carbs" are not good it's just the choices above are to be avoided! I do admit to indulge in the popcorn above myself ;) 

See you all tonight 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday Night Smash!

Way to go everyone tonight on the workout! what progression since the first round of the BL!!!!! 
Give your selves a pat on the back and a high five~!

Tonights discussion although brief was on Post Workout Nutrition:

1) Prevents Muscle Breakdown – A tough strength training workout will create microscopic tears in your muscle fibres. If adequate nutrients are not supplied before and/or after the workout, these muscle tears can lead to further muscle breakdown, which means your muscle is broken down to form protein that your body uses as energy to repair itself.

2) Increases Protein Synthesis – After a strenuous workout, your body is biochemically primed to suck in nutrients. Your muscles are highly insulin sensitive, which means those carbs you eat can help shuttle protein into your muscles, instead of getting converted into fat. Insulin is a storage hormone that has a bad reputation because it is integrally involved in fat storage. After a workout, however, insulin is your friend and a proper post-workout meal can improve muscle building and increase fat loss.
3) Faster RecoveryA properly timed post-workout meal with the right nutrients can help decrease soreness in your muscles for a given amount of training. For example, if you are able to recover in only a day as opposed to 2-3 days, that means you can train harder and more frequently, which will lead to better and faster results.
4) Glycogen Replenishment – Regardless of the type of workout, if you are working out intensely, your body will use glycogen as fuel. Glycogen, which is stored in your muscles and liver is best described as your body’s preferred fuel source for workouts. Depending on the duration, type, and intensity of exercise, glycogen stores can become depleted. Eating ample carbs after a workout can not only promote protein synthesis, but also help replenish energy stores to keep you feeling energetic the rest of the day.
  • Whey protein shake mixed with a couple handfuls of fruit (banana, strawberries etc.)
  • Whey protein shake combined with dextrose (fast digesting carbohydrate)
  • Whey protein “Ready to drink” shake with 20-30 grams of protein and 20-60 of carbs
  • Lean protein with fast digesting starchy carbs (i.e. grilled chicken with potatoes and veggies)
  • 16 ounces of chocolate milk (not as effective as whey shake, but adequate)

and don’t forget to drink plenty of water! A good 16+ ounces can help you optimize your performance.

Thank you all for your patience over the last few classes between guest checking us out and nailing down your goals it's been pretty crazy but you are all doing amazing! Keep it up! 

Reminder Monday is a Holiday! 

Here is your at home workout:
 90 jumping jacks
20 tricep dips 
10 sit-ups
30 bird-dogs
30 sec plank
30 squats 
15 decline pushups
40 crunches
15 obliques crunches (per side)
20 standing calf raises

let me know if you need any explanation :o)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Great week so far!

Wow! week 3 already!

Time is flying by!

Monday was a great start to the week with some fabulous faces! We started the goal trackers and are well on our way with our first 2 week goal! If I haven't gotten to you yet do not worry I will catch you soon enough! Judi is away on vacation and we send our best wishes as she has a drink for each one of us!

Tuesday was filthy 50's and I have to say WOOHOOOO! you guys kicked it's butt! congrats to Pam for making it through the entire workout! And so many of you so close to completing!

I want to officially welcome Sheryl to the group! You did amazing Sheryl and we look forward to having you join us!

Topic up last night was Pre Workout Nutrition!

A hand out was given out and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask!
Here is a brief overview:


1) More Energy During Workouts – Filling up your glycogen stores (body’s energy tank) before a workout can help improve your energy levels significantly during a workout. If you have a very low carb diet, an intense workout can turn out to be very difficult to handle because glycogen stores are low. Energy levels are also affected by sleep patterns, when you have the most energy during the day, and hydration to name a few.
2) Protect Your Hard Earned Muscle – When you workout hard, especially with heavy weights, the body is in a catabolic environment, which can break down muscle tissue to use it as energy. A solid pre-workout meal can prevent muscle breakdown and improve energy repair and recovery.
3) Increased Muscle Growth – Eating protein during your workout meal can help slowly release amino acids into your blood stream, which can promote protein synthesis. If you are breaking down muscle and eating enough calories, muscle growth can be improved.
  • Oatmeal with Whey Protein Mixed In (great if you have a sensitive stomach)
  • 2 Whole Eggs, 2 Egg Whites, Peppers, Onions, Low fat Cheese,
  • Grapefruit/Oatmeal
  • Turkey Wrap with veggies (add carbs as needed)
  • 6 Ounces Grilled Chicken with yam and asparagus

Onto Thursday! we will have a guest out I believe her name is Jen!

Also just as a reminder Monday family day is a holiday! you had the times scheduled i'm curious to see what you do with it ;o) 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Lunge kicks, sand bags and more OH MY!

Well we are officially into the second week of the BL Challenge! And we are kicking back into high gear!

Thank you Sheryl for visiting us tonight! I look forward to seeing you again!

Welcome to our new official Member Bryan! You ran well with the program tonight and am so happy to have you join us!

I'd also like to welcome my new "torture device" as you all call them the SANDBAG! I look forward to incorporating this into our workouts!

I want to Thank you all again for your patience with the sessions we do have people still coming out to check us out and hopefully join and its important for me to be able to spend some time with them to explain our process!

We do have someone else coming on thursday... but I assure to have another stand out workout!

Next week I will be pulling you aside individually for some time to hammer out your goals and get into what we need to do to focus and continue through this journey! We all have comfort zone! I want to know what yours are and what I can do to help you over come and step forward with these! 

If at anytime you have questions do not hesitate to contact me!

See you all Thursday!


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Great Job Everyone Tonight!

What a great night!

Started out with a test to see if everyone would pony up so to say and you definitely did!!!!! Woohoo!

Thank you all for stepping up today while I was consulting with new potentials! It's always nice to know that your learning well ;)!

I truly cannot say enough how very proud I am of you all and your accomplishments and tonight proved so much! THANK YOU!!!!!!!

Week 1 complete as of tomorrow! On to week 2!

Here's a cute pic that I found! Reminds me of you JEr mentioning that you still have your two cookies a day!

Remember that what we are doing here is not a fad! It is a new lifestyle! You cannot be on a diet the rest of your life you still have to enjoy what you are doing and make certain adaptations that allow you to progress.

Have a great weekend see you all next week! 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Phase 2 Biggest Loser! Started Tonight!

Woohoo! Finished with Phase 1

CONGRATS To Jeremy! He won First place with a loss of 52lbs. Amanda in Second and Janette in Third! 
Also a huge Congrats to everyone else who committed themselves to this program and moving forward with their journey! You have all changed in so many ways and it's the steps that we take towards or goals that get us there! Keep up the great work!   

Onto Phase 2!

I want to welcome Pam to the competition. And say Thank You to all of you returning! This program would not have been the same without you and I am so Thankful and excited to have shared this experience with you! Here's to you!

First Night back was great! Lots of chatter and getting back into the swing of things after a week of pretty much being off (minus fit test results and a POTLUCK!!!!!!!!!)

WE have tons in store for Phase two and hope that you all enjoy it as much as Phase 1.

Just a recap of schedule:

3 x per week

Mondays at 6:00pm (optional)
Tuesdays and Thursday at 7:15pm (Must be there unless previously arranged)
Fridays at 3:00pm (optional)

We will welcome new contestant in up to 4 weeks into the program. There are still a couple of spots left!

Last night we worked on lower body and core!

This Phase I want each of you to set a goal! Dig deep and figure out what your goal is for this contest! E-Mail it to me and during our smaller group sessions we will discuss it in more detail and establish your plan!!!!!!

Please email this as soon as you establish what your goal is, why it's your goal, what this goal means to you and how you will feel when you achieve your goal!

There may be times when you feel
as if you have taken a million steps towards
your dreams, and acted on your plans, only to find
yourself in the same place that you began from.
At times like this, you must not give up.

You must continue on. Though you may feel
lost, bewildered, and alone, continue to believe
in yourself. Do not allow discouragement and
doubt to blur your vision and wash away
your dreams. Visualize your way beyond the
detours, standstills, and obstacles.

You will realize your dreams. You have
worked hard and taken so many productive
steps in a positive direction that you are bound
to succeed. Whatever the hurt of the moment
may be, it will pass. Tomorrow is always a
new dawn. Today, you must pause, rest, catch
your breath, and then look ahead. Each step

will bring you closer to your dreams.

Great job last night everyone!
See you Thursday!